
My Teacher - Carol Robertson

Experienced Physiotherapist with a demonstrated history of working in the Complimentary Medicine industry Skilled in Applications of Chinese Medicine in Vibrational and Bioenergetic Medicine, Neck Pain, Therapeutic Massage, Injury, and Stress Management Committed healthcare services professional with a Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy from Grampian School of Physiotherapy with additional qualifications in Orthopedic Medicine and The ACMOS Method.

In her Classes at ACMOS METHODS Paris she has taught us how to measure sensitive points of ENERGY receiving & transmitting points of

- Human body,
- Objects surrounding our environments,
- Plants &
- Animals

She also taught us how to detect energy patters of a given place and convert it energy friendly and beneficial to us by using 'ACMOS ANTENNAE'

I am a Degree holder of ACMOS Institute.